The PCT – The Post Cycle Therapy

2PCT – a set of products and sports supplements, which are used in bodybuilding and power sports with a view to minimize the side effects and complications after a cycle of steroid hormones or prohormones. Aftertreatment therapy is especially important when using large doses of hormones or received simultaneously two or more anabolic formulation .

PCT literally means after therapy cycle, but for convenience were included other components that are used from the beginning of the cycle and in the PCT formally not included.

The objectives of post-cycle therapy

  • Restoring the natural hormonal levels – not to lose muscle mass
  • Fighting rollback phenomenon
  • Prevention of feminization( gynecomastia )
  • Preventing the development of testicular atrophyand oligospermia
  • Prevention and reduction of side effects of other

The main components of the PCT 

Antiestrogens are divided into two classes:

  • Aromatase inhibitors (Letrozole, Anastrozole and other) – during the course, to block estrogen effects if used flavoring agents ( testosterone , Sustanon , methandrostenolone and extremely small – boldenone and fluoxymesterone). Proviron many believe is a weak inhibitor of aromatase . [1]
  • Estrogen receptor( Tamoxifen, Clomid ) or Toremifene – after the course for 2-3 weeks to restore the secretion of testosterone. These drugs are in a key position, and are very important. Used after the course of any complexity.

Chorionic gonadotropin – to prevent the development of testicular atrophy and desensitization of Leydig cells. Used heavy courses lasting more than 6 weeks. The introduction begins at 2-4 week course (or the last 3-5 weeks) and continues to anabolic drug excretion, then jumps to the estrogen receptor blockers.

Cabergoline (Dostinex) – an inhibitor of secretion of prolactin . It is used on the course progestin drugs (nandrolone , trenbolone), which increase the level of prolactin is responsible for most of the side effects of these drugs. Usually it is taken at a dose of 0.25 mg every 4 days throughout the course.

See info about Steroids used in cutting cycles

Additional components 

  • Testosterone boosters– help to restore hormonal balance. Getting admission comes at a time of complete elimination of steroids and continues after 2-3 weeks, with a gradual decrease in dose.
  • Hepatoprotectors – used to protect the liver from toxic effect of some steroids. Home reception – 2 week cycle, the end – after a 3 week cycle. Some people prefer to use them after the course. In the west, this class of drugs is not considered seriously, because the effectiveness of proven weak.
  • Omega-3– to normalize the lipid profile and level of cholesterol , protect the heart and blood vessels. It is assumed for the entire course and 2 weeks thereafter.
  • Growth hormoneand Peptides – excellent means for storing dialed muscle mass, which can also ease the symptoms of anxiety, depression and complications kardiovasuklyarnyh cycle of anabolic steroids. However, preparations of growth hormone are quite expensive, and therefore not always included in the aftertreatment therapy. Held regular course of growth hormone during or after receiving the AAS. Have a look at the construction of the course with the peptides.
  • Cortisol blockers – these additives suppress catabolism and maximally preserve muscle from destruction. Start taking these supplements should fall on the end of a course of steroids and last 3-4 weeks. Unfortunately, high-performance tools in this category almost none. From mandatory: ascorbic, protein, BCAA’s .

1Preparations zinc and most herbal supplements are not effective. Proviron is not the best preparation for the PCT.

All components PCT compatible with each other. Sometimes, as the PCT offered prohormones , but this is not correct, because prohormones – is essentially the same steroids . Thus, you extend the course, resulting in the risk of complications increases.

Post-cycle estrogen blocker therapy is always and only after the removal of anabolic hormones! According to Michael Scally MD, a world specialist in hormone replacement therapy, it is a key condition for the successful recovery of the hypothalamus-pituitary-arc testicles. It is desirable to test for total testosterone, to ensure a low level and only then start taking drugs of this group. According to different authors duration varies from 2 to 5 weeks, depending on the degree of suppression of the pituitary.

Dosages clomiphene (days * Dosage).

  • 3 * 150/12 * 100/15 * 50/15 * 25 – a very difficult course.
  • 15 * 100/15 * 50/15 * 25 – a heavy course.
  • 30 * 50/15 * 25 – the average rate.
  • 15 * 50/15 * 25/15 * 25 (every two days) – an easy course.
  • 15 * 50/15 * 25 – oxandrolone, methandrostenolone, methenolone, stanozolol, oral Turinabol (normal).

Dosages Toremifene (days * Dosage)

  • 3 * 120/12 * 60/15 * 30/15 * 15 – a very difficult course.
  • 15 * 60/15 * 30/15 * 15 – a heavy course.
  • 30 * 30/15 * 15 – the average rate.
  • 15 * 30/15 * 15/15 * 15 (every two days) – an easy course.
  • 15 * 30/15 * 15 – oxandrolone, methandrostenolone, methenolone, stanozolol, oral Turinabol (normal).

Doses of Tamoxifen (days * Dosage) – can not be used after the course nandrolone and trenbolone !!!

  • 3 * 80/12 * 40/15 * 20/15 * 10 – a very difficult course.
  • 15 * 40/15 * 20/15 * 10 – a heavy course.
  • 30 * 20/15 * 10 – the average rate.
  • 15 * 20/15 * 10/15 * 10 (every two days) – an easy course.
  • 15 * 20/15 * 10 – oxandrolone, methandrostenolone, methenolone, stanozolol, oral Turinabol (normal).

Other preparations:

  • for the prevention of bursts of prolactin (after the course nandrolone and trenbolone) is used Cabergoline (Dostinex, Alaktin, Agalates, Bergolak), 0.25 mg once every four days for a month and a half;
  • not damage: Vitamin E- 200-400 IU per day of the first month PKT Zinc – 50 mg per day, Tribulus terresteris, 750-1000 mg, calculated on furastanolovye saponins.

The list of required analyzes of sashan’a  .

FCT by Dr. Scally by Michael 

Post-cycle therapy by Dr. Michael Scally, published in the book William Llewelly’s Anabolics 10th edition. The scheme has been developed by physicians Program for Wellness Restoration (PoWeR) and has been successfully used for the treatment of hypogonadism after androgen replacement therapy. Efficiency confirmed by clinical studies. This therapy is recommended after each “hard” course of anabolic steroids, if not gonadotropin used during the course . The original scheme was renewed in 2010, but by the statements of Dr. Michael Scally has changed slightly. Now it proposed to use gonadotropin at a dose of 2000 mg instead of 2500 for 20 days and the dosage is 20 mg of tamoxifen.

The total duration of treatment – 45 days.

  • Day 1-20: 10 injections of hCG 2,000 IU a day, at bedtime. 
  • 1-30 Day: Clomid (clomiphene citrate) 50 mg, 2 times a day.
  • Day 1-45: Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate), 20 mg, 2 times daily.

It should be noted that the least prosperous FCT program, because HCG is involved;

it can not be used in the FCT in the absence of a real medical condition.

Treatment begins after the elimination of the anabolic drug. Estimated time of removal indicated. If hCG was administered during the course, it is not required as part of FCT as secretory function of the testicles will be saved. 

Why do I need to use Clomid and Nolvadex together.

PKT from Yuzhakova Anton 

Post-cycle therapy is started after the completion of the action of drugs (have to look a long half-life of the drug). Also before the PBC need to find out the level of estradiol and prolactin. If elevated estradiol – take inhibitors aramatazy to lower estradiol, estradiol with increased recovery will take longer. With increased prolactin cabergoline use, elevated prolactin will also slow the recovery.

Weak Course One of the two drugs.

  • Tamoxifen for 20 days, 20 days, 15 mg + 10 mg
  • Clomiphene 20 days 50 days 15 mg + 25 mg

Strong course or the long one of the two drugs.

  • Tamoxifen for 20 days, 30 days, 15 mg + 20 mg + 10 mg 10 days
  • Clomiphene 20 days 100 days 15 mg + 50 mg + 10 mg 25 days

Very strong rate of all drugs.

  • Tamoxifen – 20 days to 30 mg.
  • Clomiphene – 20 days 100 mg. + 15 days 50 days 10 mg + 25 mg.

If the course was a prolactin-enhancing drug tamoxifen can not be used

An example of post-cycle therapy 

See main article: The best courses of steroids

3Above is a classic course of testosterone enanthate with the transition over the past two weeks on Testosterone propionate , to maintain a constant level of testosterone. However, adequate pharmacological support can reduce the risk of side effects and significantly improve efficiency.

  • Aromatase inhibitors- can eliminate gynecomastia and increase testosterone concentration by blocking the conversion of estrogens . Ispolzovat necessary to lower dosages to maintain the level of estrogenic hormones within the reference value. Other analogs can be used instead of anastrozole. It is desirable to perform tests for estrogen, which is determined based on the need to use IA.
  • Gonadotropinsaves testicular sensitivity to endogenous gonadotropin-releasing hormone.  It is scientifically proven that the use of gonadotropin-to-date can significantly recover faster. In the months of courses administered continuously, while experts recommend to do 2x a week break after 3-5 weeks of use. However, there is also scientific evidence that the use of hCG on a course of steroids is bound to cause an increase of estradiol in the blood to the transcendental level, which in turn will provoke side effects, so most doctors absolutely does not justify the use of gonadotropin during the course of androgens.
  • Tamoxifen- the main drug for post-cycle therapy. It starts the secretion of testosterone by blocking estrogen receptors in the pituitary gland, but clomiphene and toremifene are preferred embodiments.
  • Growth hormoneand peptides – are minor components necessary for the suppression of post-cycle catabolism .

If at the end of the course uses short esters rapid half-life (eg, testosterone propionate ), or oral medicines, the introduction of gonadotropin blockers and aromatase terminated together with the use of anabolic drug. FCT antiestrogens begins after 3-4 days, when the body’s concentration of these funds is reduced to a minimum.

Progestin courses

  • As mentioned above, the progestin-only preparations – deck, trenbolone have some progestagenic activity, which leads to an increase in prolactin levels, and therefore reduced libido, there is accumulation of fluid, it is possible prolactin gynecomastia. Cabergoline allows almost completely prevent these side effects.
  • Instead, tamoxifen is recommended Clomid (available in pharmacies under the brand name Clomid) or the more modern and secure toremifene (FARESTON), due to the fact that tamoxifen increases the sensitivity of progesterone receptors.
  • Aromatase blocker is necessary, as a part of the course is easy flavoring testosterone.

Oral Steroids

pills2Steroids – are drugs that enhance the effectiveness of training, muscle growth. increase stamina and athletic performance. Oral steroids are produced in the form of tablets, they are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and enter the bloodstream where they become effective. Especially often used oral steroids in bodybuilding and powerlifting. They contribute to increased protein synthesis, and thus allow you to quickly build high-quality mass. In addition, oral steroids can improve the course of the blood, increase the number of red blood cells. Most steroids also promotes bone and connective tissue. While receiving these drugs the athlete improves concentration and motivation.

The main effects of oral steroids:

  •   Significant weight gain
  •   Increased power performance
  •   Increased Stamina
  •   Increasing the effectiveness of training
  •   Improving the oxygen supply of muscles
  •   Protecting the ligaments and bone overload
  •   Fat Burning

Oral steroids are very convenient to take. Drink tablet at any time. Very often buy oral steroids are recommended for beginners in bodybuilding. Because steroids in pill form do not seem so frightening as an injection.

1Advantages and disadvantages of oral steroids

The main advantage of this type of steroids – the high rate of assimilation. They give the first results immediately after administration. That is why oral steroids, which is low cost, so popular.They allow you to dial up to 8 kg of high quality muscle mass at a reception rate. It is understood that for greater efficiency, you need to follow a sports diet, consuming a lot of protein. Some have no oral steroids injecting analogues. This is due to barriers within the body. When the active substance is inside, it must pass the liver and intestine. To avoid the destruction of the steroid hydrochloric acid contained in the stomach, combined with steroids reception rate of the methyl group. In modern steroids such substances have been added to tablets. Steroids for oral administration is best taken after a meal, while the assimilation will be at a high level, and the load on the liver – the minimum.

Now a few words about the shortcomings of oral steroids:

● Oral steroids are toxic and adversely affect the liver.

● quickly eliminated from the body, a small duration. As a consequence – fluctuations in hormone levels. Therefore, it is important not to miss a single reception. For example, strombafort, which you can buy at the store sports pharmacology, it is effective only in compliance with the recommendations of the reception.

● In order to enter the bloodstream, steroids must pass through the liver where it is destroyed for some amount of active ingredient.

● Steroids can cause serious side effects of non-compliance with the rules and receive the recommended dosage.

● High risk to buy a fake. Forge oral steroids is easier than injection. This is often used by unscrupulous sellers.

How to take oral steroids

Oral steroids are taken with food or after. Typically, the daily dose is divided into two or three doses for better absorption. It is important to eat a lot of protein, otherwise the results will not be visible. There are athletes who believe that it is enough to buy methane for muscle growth and will go by itself. It is not, it requires high physical activity and proper nutrition.

Injectable Steroids

  • ATP – injections and drugs in bodybuilding 

testosATP is produced in the form of medical products and sports nutrition. Pharmacies can be easily obtained ATP injection – ATP amp. 1% 1ml N10. Also available are tablet form for oral administration: Fort ATP and ATP Long, who have prolonged action.

Popular bodybuilding drugs ATP:

  • ATP
  • Atrifos
  • Sodium adenosine triphosphate
  • Miotrifos
  • Fosfobion
  • Adefos
  • Kortifos
  • Striadine
  • Triadenil
  • Trifosfodin
  • Trifosfaden
  • Trifosadenin

Sports Nutrition ATP

  • Elevate ATP from EPIC Preformance
  • Nitro ATP from Urban Biologics
  • Peak ATP With GlycoCarn by Life Extension
  • Anabolic HALO by MuscleTech
  • ShroomTECH Sportfrom Onnit Labs

ATP Dosage 

ATP can be administered in tablet form by mouth, by injection intramuscularly, and intravenously. Depending on the range of doses.

Injections of ATP 

Glass Medicine Vials and Syringe

Glass Medicine Vials and Syringe

Intramuscular injections are performed in deep muscles of the buttocks or the thigh of 10 mg (1 ml of 1% solution) 1 time per day, then at the same dose 2 times a day, or 1 to 20 mg once a day. The cycle of treatment – 30-40 injections, a second cycle – after 1-2 months. Injections of ATP are particularly soreness at the injection site, so it can be mixed with local anesthetics (lidocaine, procaine, etc.)

Intravenous injections of ATP in bodybuilding is not recommended, since it is completely inappropriate and threatening side effects such as a bradycardia (in rare cases can be a reflex cardiac arrest for a few seconds), drop in blood pressure, followed by tachycardia, reddening of the skin. Doses ATP intravenous injection should not exceed 10 mg in bodybuilding that is not enough, so avoid this method of administration.

ATP pills and sports nutrition 

ATP average oral dosage of 50 – 200 mg per day, 2-4 times a day.

Effects of ATP 

There is a significant difference between trying to “inject” or “eat” additional ATP (which is impossible), and in order to increase (modern dietary supplements aimed at ATP as work) the body’s ability to synthesize ATP. The second method is an effective way to increase ATP, endurance and oxygen capacity of the blood, but it does not involve the direct reception of “ATP”, and runs through the use of vitamins \ adaptogens and dietary supplements. Documented, and Olympic practice, noted a positive impact of the fungus Korditsps endurance athletes.

 1Additional ATP intake does not lead to a significant rise in energy and raise the level of endogenous ATP and increases muscle mass . Injections, eating inside or under the tongue – all paths lead to the inevitable destruction of the ATP, long before entering the muscles, so there is no point to carry out painful injections.

After ATP enters the body (the route of administration does not matter), it does not enter the cell, since it has a negative charge. Inside the cell, the environment is also negatively charged, so the ATP just simply repelled by the cell membranes. Once in the gut or in the muscle, ATP enzyme begins to break up difosforilazoy EctoATP-AMP, it takes no more than 2-3 seconds. 3 seconds later, cAMP breaks (hydrolyses the enzyme 5-nucleotidase and adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase) to adenosine. Almost all adenosine trapped red blood cells, which quickly converted to inosine (Riboxinum) enzyme adenosine deaminase.

Thus, ATP can not be delivered to the muscles, irrespective of dosage and route of administration. Recently completely revised indications for the use of ATF agents, they are now used only for the relief of cardiac arrhythmias, and in rare cases for the relaxation of vascular smooth muscle. Effects on other organs can not be, because ATP is degraded to inosine, long before entering the bodies, namely inosine causes all the effects of ATP consumption. Therefore, it is wiser to take supplements with inosine, from which ATP is synthesized in the body.

ATF (ATF) solution 

Template: Directory

The composition and the form of 

1 ml of a 1% solution (0.01 g) in a vial. 10 vials per pack.


Muscular dystrophy and atrophy, poliomyelitis, multiple sclerosis, supraventricular paroxysmal tachycardia; coronary insufficiency, post-infarction kardiomiodistrofiya, acute and chronic heart failure , arterial occlusive disease (intermittent claudication, Raynaud’s disease, thromboangiitis obliterans), hereditary retinitis pigmentosa.

Recommendations for use in sport 

  • Maintaining cardiac activitywith considerable physical effort.
  • Recovery after exercisein training the quality of endurance .
  • Sports cardiomyopathy.

Dosing and Administration 

Intramuscularly, intravenously or intraarterially. In the first days of treatment – 0.01 g (1 ml of a 1% solution) 1 time / day, followed by the same dose 2 times / day or 0.02 g 1 time / day. The cycle of treatment – 30-40 injections, a second cycle – after 1-2 months. To treat supraventricular arrhythmias – 0.01-0.02 g intravenously during 5-6 (effect occurs within 30-40 seconds). can be re-injected in 2-3 minutes if necessary.


Hypersensitivity, acute myocardial infarction, hypotension, inflammatory lung disease.

Side effects 

Allergic reactions (itching, flushing of the skin). In intramuscular – headache, tachycardia, increased diuresis, hyperuricemia; by intravenous – nausea, facial flushing, headache, weakness.

Special instructions 

It can not be administered in high doses, together with cardiac glycosides . Cardiac glycosides increase the risk of side effects (including arrhythmogenic action).

Cutting Steroids

The organization of the training process while receiving AC 

While steroids power rates increase substantially as the athletes by enhancing the anabolic processes in the body, and by reducing the catabolic processes. Therefore, the training while receiving AC has some features, although, in principle, not much different from bezdopingovyh training programs. It should distinguish two main purposes for AC and, accordingly, the construction of training programs for this purpose – “massonaborny” training program cycle and under it, as well as the drying cycle, and terrain.

Training during massonabornogo cycle

best-cutting-steroids-726x400As a rule, the program on a cycle built on the principle of a split workout. Each muscle is worked out every 4-7 days. Read also the article: Features workout with steroids. You can also include a training program to date with the elements described in the article: Effective principles set muscle mass . Do not think that when taking steroids, you can relax and exercise in a slipshod manner, and “farming” all she will do for you. We should not forget that steroids only addition to training and nutritious food, in and of themselves will not make you stronger or heavier. You do not need to fall in the other extreme – to train for wear. In this case, no dose taken by the AU will not save from overtraining. In addition, an increase in muscle strength significantly ahead of the development of joint and ligaments, so you need to be extremely careful during exercise, so as not to get injured, especially the use of some steroids weakens the joints and ligaments. Usually “massonabornom” training with the use of various types of speakers used weekly splits. For example, 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 – three training days and four days of rest. There muscles of the body are divided into three groups, and each group trains once a week in your day. Or for the more advanced split 5 + 2 – five days of training plus two consecutive days of rest. Below are several options for training splits.

Cutting Steroids for Sale

Legend: the first indicates the name of the exercise, followed by a number of approaches and the number of repetitions in the approach.

Train №1 (Back, Biceps): (Monday)

  • Deadlift 3h5-6
  • Link rod in the slope 3×8-10
  • Link to the chest wide grip on the top shelf or Pull-ups on a bar 3×8-10
  • Lifting barbell biceps standing 3h8-10
  • Biceps curl with a dumbbell grip “hammer 3h8-10

Train №2 (chest, triceps): (Wednesday)

  • Bench press wide grip 3h8-10
  • Bench rod at an angle of middle grip 3h8-10
  • Breeding hands with dumbbells 3h8-10
  • Dips 3h8-10
  • Tritsepsovye extension on the upper block 3h8-10
  • French press 3h8-10

Train №3 (Legs, Delta): (Friday)

  • Squats 2 posted. set + 1×15,12,10,8
  • Leg Extension in the simulator 1×15,15,12,10
  • Leg press 1×15,12,10,8
  • leg curls on a machine 1×15,12,10,8
  • Bench sitting in the simulator Smith 3×8-10
  • Lifting dumbbells | lifting dumbbells through the side of 3×10-12
  • Hand Rises by side in the inclination of 3×10-12

The four split 

The first training Back, Biceps, afterwards 1 day vacation (back, biceps) (Monday)

  1. Pullups1x12,10,8,6
  2. Pulldown exercise for breast1x12,10,8,6
  3. Link to horizontal block stomach1x12,10,8,6
  4. Lifting barbell biceps standing 4×10
  5. Concentrated lifting on biceps 4×10

Second Training Chest, Triceps , afterwards 1 day rest (chest, triceps): (Wednesday)

  1. Landscape mode4x8-10
  2. Inclined bench4x8-10
  3. Breeding dumbbells on incline bench4x10-12
  4. French benchstanding 4×12
  5. Extension arms on the block with a straight handle4x12

The third leg workout , 1 day after the holiday (Legs): (Friday)

  1. Squats 1×12,10,8,6
  2. Leg Extension in the simulator 4×10-12
  3. Leg press 1×12,10,8,6
  4. Bending feet in the simulator 4×10-12
  5. Rise on your toes while standing in the simulator 4×15-20
  6. Rise on your toes while sitting in the simulator 4×15-20

The fourth training Shoulders (Delta): (Sunday)

  1. Thrust rod to the chin4x12-15
  2. Lifting dumbbells in hand standing 4×12-15
  3. Lifting dumbbells to the sides in the slope of 4×12-15
  4. Bench due to headin Smith 4×8-10
  5. Shrugswith dumbbells 4×10-15

cuttingOn Monday the entire training cycle begins anew. In addition, the split can be performed on the system 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 – which means two training days in a row, then off, then again two days of training and two days off in a row. Note, here are examples of training splits carried out within one week.

The five-day split 

In this split, designed for more experienced athletes who are training for five consecutive days, followed by two days off. Every workouts only one muscle group. Here is one example of such a split:

Monday, back 

  1. Pull-ups or pull the vertical block 3h8-10
  2. Deadlift 3h5-6
  3. Link rod in the slope of a horizontal thrust block 3h8-10
  4. Thrust dumbbell in one hand is tilted 3h8-10
  5. Shrugs barbell 3h12-15
  6. Shrugs with dumbbells 3×12-15

Tuesday, chest 

  1. Presses rod lying on the incline bench 3h8-10
  2. Presses rod lying on the horizontal bar 3h8-10
  3. Breeding dumbbells on incline bench 3h8-10
  4. Dips 3h12-20

Wednesday, feet 

  1. Squats on the shoulders 3h8-10
  2. legs bending simulator 3h8-10
  3. leg extension simulator 3h10-12
  4. Ups on socks standing 3h10-12

Thursday, Delta 

  1. Vertical bench 3h8-10
  2. The rise of the bar or on the simulator Smitty chin 3h8-10
  3. Mahi dumbbells up through the side 3h10-12
  4. Mahi dumbbells through the parties standing in the slope 3h10-12

Friday, hand 

  1. Tritsepsovye extension cable handle upper block 3h10-12
  2. Bench press close grip 3h8-10
  3. French mode standing with a dumbbell in one hand 3h10-12
  4. Lifting barbell biceps standing 3h8-10
  5. Hammer 3h10-12
  6. Barbell curls to bench Scott 3h8-10

This is followed by two days of rest, and the whole training cycle is restarted.

Bulking Steroids

bulAnabolic steroids – it’s pharmacological agents that mimic the action of male sex hormone – testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. Anabolic steroids accelerate protein synthesis within the cells, which leads to pronounced muscle hypertrophy (generally referred to as the process anabolism), whereby they are widely used in body building. The action of anabolic steroids is conventionally divided into two areas: the anabolic activity and androgenic activity. The word “anabolic” comes from the Greek “anabolein”, which translates as “to build”, the word “androgen” comes from the word “andros” and “genein”, which translates as “a man to do” or “omuzhestvlyat”.


Anabolic steroids are a large number of synonyms:

  • anabolic
  • Androgens
  • AU (abbr. Anabolic Steroids)
  • AAS (abbr Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids -. The official name in the foreign literature)
  • Steroids
  • Vitamins (slang name in bodybuilding)
  • Chemistry (slang name in bodybuilding)
  • Pharma (slang name in bodybuilding)

The history of anabolic steroids 

The use of anabolic steroids dates back to their identification and isolation. Medical use of the extract of the testicles of animals began in the late 19th century. In 1931, Adolf Butenandt managed to isolate 15 mg of androstenone of 10 000 liters of urine. This anabolic steroid was subsequently synthesized Leopold Ruzicka in 1934.

Bulking Steroids for Sale

In 1930 it was already known that the extract of testes contained a more powerful anabolic steroid than androstenone. Three groups of scientists, funded by competing pharmaceutical companies, three from different countries: the Netherlands, Nazi Germany and Switzerland began to search for more powerful components. Thus, in May 1935, Karoly Gyula David, E. Dingemanse, J.Freud and Ernst Laqueur was able to allocate crystalline testosterone. The hormone was so named based on their origin: the dough – egg, sterol – steroid structure, and ending -one, which suggests that the substance is a ketone.

The chemical synthesis of testosterone from cholesterol was produced in the same year Butenandt and G. Hanisch. Within a week after the event, the third group Ruzicka and A. Wettstein made an application to patent a new method of chemical synthesis of testosterone. Ruzicka and Butenandt received for his invention, the Nobel Prize in 1939.

Clinical trials on humans, including oral administration of methyltestosterone and testosterone propionate injections, begun in 1937.

site-pic-1The first mention of an anabolic steroid strength sports history dates back to 1938, when it comes to testosterone propionate in a letter to the editor of Strength and Health magazine. There are rumors that Nazi Germany used anabolic steroids on soldiers, in order to increase aggression and stamina, but at present these facts have no official confirmation. However, Adolf Hitler himself received injections of anabolic steroids, according to his personal physician. Anabolic steroids were used by the Nazis in experiments on concentration camp inmates. In other countries, anabolic steroids used for the treatment and rehabilitation of malnourished prisoners, who were released from the camps. 

Modern history

Improvement of the anabolic properties of testosterone conducted in the 1940s in the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc countries such as East Germany, where anabolic steroids were being used to improve the performance of Olympic weightlifting. In response to the success of Russian weightlifters, the US Olympic team doctor, to Dr. John Ziegler, began to work with chemists to develop an anabolic steroid with less androgenic activity , with the result that was obtained methandrostenolone. The new drug was approved by FDA in 1958. Most often it is prescribed for the treatment of severe burns, and the elderly, but most of methandrostenolone consumed in bodybuilding and other power sports. Dr. John Ziegler prescribed only small doses to athletes, but he later said that in athletes who exceed the dosage occurredprostatic hypertrophy , and testicular atrophy . 

In 1976, anabolic steroids have been banned by the International Olympic Committee, this ends the story of their legitimate use in sport, and 10 years after it had developed special tests for anabolic steroids in urine.

The search for new anabolic steroids 

Currently, the diversity of anabolic steroids and their modification is based on four main ideas:

  • Alkylation at position 17 alpha-methyl or ethyl group, to prevent the destruction of drugs in the liver, which makes possible the oral administration in tablet form.
  • Esterification of 17-beta position, which makes the drug soluble in fats and allows the creation of a depot in the tissue, which resolves a long time, thereby significantly increasing the duration of action (several months) anabolic agent.
  • Changing the ring structure of an anabolic steroid relates to oral and parenteral drugs, is associated with the desire to enhance the anabolic index.
  • Changes in the structure, which prevents the conversion of steroids into estrogen.

Also currently under active development of a new class of selective androgen receptor modulator .

The mechanism of action of steroids 

yl1s7The mechanism of action of anabolic steroids is not like the effect of peptide hormones. Once in the blood, steroid molecules spread throughout the body, where they react with skeletal muscle cells, sebaceous glands, hair follicles, certain parts of the brain and some endocrine glands. Anabolic steroids are fat-soluble and therefore can penetrate the cell membrane, consisting of fats; intracellular anabolic steroids interact (communicate) with androgen receptors of the nucleus and the cytoplasm. The activated androgen receptors transmit a signal inside the cell nucleus, resulting in changing expression of genes are activated or processes that send signals to other parts of the cell.  The result is a stimulation of the synthesis of nucleic acid species and starts the formation of new protein molecules.

The effect of anabolic steroids on muscle mass increase is due to the following mechanisms:

  • protein synthesis acceleration
  • Cooldown Reduction
  • reducing the influence of catabolic hormones (cortisol and others.)
  • differentiation of cells in the displacement direction of muscle, reducing the formation of fat cells 
  • acceleration of metabolic reactions, due to which there is fat decay
  • muscle memory

The effects of anabolic steroids 

The effects of anabolic steroids are divided into two main categories: anabolic and androgenic .

Anabolic effects:

  • A significant increase in muscle mass (10.5 kg per month)
  • The increase in power rates
  • Increased stamina and performance
  • Increase in the number of red blood cells
  • Strengthening bone
  • The reduction of fat reserves

Androgenic effects:

  • masculinization
  • virilization
  • prostate Hypertrophy
  • testicular atrophy
  • Loss of hairon the head, and the activation of the growth on the face and body

What shows that pursued only in bodybuilding anabolic effects. Currently under development steroids, which have a pronounced anabolic effect and low androgenic. The indicator, which reflects the ratio is called anabolic index . At the moment, nearly all anabolic steroids have androgenic effects. 

Additional effects:

  • Increased appetite
  • Increased self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Increased sex drive

Side effects of anabolic steroids 

See main article: The side effects of steroids and how to reduce the harm of steroids

In the following list of side effects are listed according to frequency of occurrence.

During the cycle:

  • Irritability or “steroid rage”
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Acne(acne)
  • Increased libido(sometimes regarded as a useful effect)
  • mood swings
  • Fluid retention (for flavoring)
  • Increasing cholesterol levels (as a result – atherosclerosis)
  • Gynecomastia(cause only those anabolic steroids, which are converted to estrogens or those with progestin activity – trenbolone and nandrolones)
  • Masculinizationin women
  • Liver damage (peculiar to those drugs that have a methyl group in the alpha position 17)
  • Hypertrophy of the myocardium with the development of ischemia
  • Stopping the growth in young age
  • Hair loss(rarely)

After the cycle:

  • Reduced libido
  • Impotence
  • Psychological addiction (obsessive desire to repeat the cycle)
  • Reduced sperm production
  • Infertility
  • Testicular atrophy(in overdose and long-term cycles)
  • Depression

Picture complications largely determined by the pharmacological profile of the drug, some are safer than others. To minimize the risk requires a strict adherence to the administration and control of a medical professional.

Exaggerating the dangers of steroids in the media 

bulkmanDespite the variety of side effects of anabolic steroids should be noted that at present the information on them is exaggerated. In the press and on TV, you can often hear that taking anabolic steroids leads to the inevitable infertility, impotence, liver damage and so on, but in fact even excessive doses of steroids do not always lead to irreversible consequences.

In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between the concept of “use” and “abuse”. Thus, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) intake of anabolic steroids according to the instructions in the 80-95% does not cause complications and adverse reactions, with most of the side effects is completely reversible.

The abuse involves steroids in high doses or excessive duration of the cycle. In this situation, the risk of side effects is increased significantly, increased frequency of irreversible complications. As a rule, the media steroids presented against the background of “abuse”, so to create a false picture of the extreme dangers of using anabolic steroids.

Preventing adverse effects 

  • Do not exceed the recommended dose
  • Do not combine multiple anabolic steroids, if not stipulated rate
  • Do not exceed the duration of the cycle
  • Women are generally not recommended to take anabolic steroids or to make a choice of preparations with high anabolic index.
  • Do not use anabolic steroids under the age of 25 years
  • Be sure to include in the cycle of the PCT, it will significantly reduce or prevent many side effects.

These recommendations can reduce the frequency of side effects to 1% or below, and to maintain muscle mass and typed results.

Anabolic steroids in bodybuilding 

Anabolic steroids are used in bodybuilding in the first place in order to increase muscle mass and strength indicators. In addition, steroids help to maintain muscle mass during drying and working on relief, help to increase training performance by increasing endurance and strength.

The combination 

When muscle recruitment intake of anabolic steroids should be combined with systematic weight training, high-calorie meals. From sports nutrition at the same time with steroids, it is desirable to use a protein , BCAA’s because they need to build their own proteins, in addition, you can take creatine , vitamin and mineral complex , as well as additives for the PCT .


How much does Oxandrolone 10mg may cost online


Why Anavar 10mg dosage is the most popular among athletes who use Oxandrolone in steroid cycles?

Anavar (Oxandrolone) appeared on the US market back in 1964 under the trademark Anavar. Oxandrolone began producing for growing teenagers, in which this growth has been slowed down, so as not to produce dwarfs and for the treatment of osteoporosis in women. From the first medical application it becomes clear that (Oxandrolon) Oxandrolone 10 mg price, unlike other steroids, does not lead to the closure of epofiznyh compounds. If the teenager has started to use methandrostenolone, not Oxandrolon , he would have stayed with increase of 1.5 mg per dosage. Well, of course Oxandrolone, like other steroids immediately found himself in the sport. The drug with the times becomes come  popular, and there are lots of options where to buy Oxandrolone  (Anavar) cycle. Oxandrolone 10mg is the most popular dosage of Anavar because of mild and effect it brings and due to wide availability online. When athletes do not find this 10mg dosage,  they try to use 20mg or 50mg (spliting them into parts) or taking 5m dosages 2 times during one set. Now athletes with a question why 10mg Oxandrolone dosage is so popular do not face any problem and know where to find Anavar for sale. Nowadays Oxandrolone 10mg is carried out in various countries around the world, under a variety of brands and if you search for Oxandrolone 10 mg pills their cost  are not expensive at all nowdays. It is worth noting that the drug is not cheap and the cost of the course will be decent but comparing to what effects 10mg dosages bring the costs of investments are not high at all.
Anavar 10mg is  one of the best dosages among steroids for women as well, as it does not lead to virilization, although in inadequate likely does not result in adequate dosages. Its  is affordable online and Anavar  brings the athletes of different sports where strength is needed, as well as those who want to gain a couple of kilograms. quality muscle. Increased power performance due to the synthesis of creatine phosphate. Athlete who decided to use 10mg Oxandrolon (or Anavar 50mg version) is not taking on water, unlike most other steroids, and it helps athletes to significantly increase the power rates without a significant change in body weight. In many sports it is often required not to move to a different weight category. Some Oxandrolon pills significantly increase muscle mass can only beginners in the use of steroids, but in combination with 10mg tablets other drugs appears the so-called synergistic effect.  Oxandrolone 10mg pills when combined with virtually any steroids and since using it further increase power rates to increase their other steroids, and the muscle mass in total dialed more than without Anavar. For beginners it is an excellent combination of Oxandrolone 10 mg  or Primobolan with Boldenone. This bundle will help the athlete to go one step forward in a set of muscle mass and strength, and is completely safe for health.

What is included in Oxandrolone 10mg price.

oxandrolon-300x300For those who have already passed their first very light cycle suitable combination of 250-500mg of Sustanon a week it’s good to have 30-40 mg Oxandrolone with 10 mg pills per dosage every day. Someone certainly say that 10mg oxandrolone is nohting to do in conjunction with such a powerful steroid like Sustanon, but still it has power rates in this bundle and strengthen together the cycle that will lead to a decent set of muscle mass and strength. As seen in this combination Sustanon is responsible for a set of muscle mass, as well as quick recovery, and of course also for the strength and Oxandrolone is advantageously increasing power rates.
If we talk not about the cost that  Oxandrolone is made, as well as what athletes agree to pay for it to get  good muscle mass of 100 kg, Oxandrolone 10 mg price helps to maintain  your bodybuilding supplements budget on a low expenses level.  Moreover, 10mg pills are quite cheaper than the same substance with 50mg of Anavar. If you for example have thin, and gain muscle mass with a certain amount of fat and want to remove this fat and muscle mass leave, then we can you and grieve, but without pharmacological support you do not and no protein will not help. At least the weakest steroid as Oxandrolone should be used, otherwise buy Anavar only from not expensive market offers.  10mg dosage is at a low-calorie steroid  that will keep your muscles and when the reset will look great weight. Oxandrolone 10 mg price allows you to research a possibility of muscles cutting at almost zero costs.  Plus this step helps in reducing appetite and drug itself certainly not burn fats so you will also save your budget on buying less food and meat. For experienced athletes with good muscle mass in this stage one Anavar 10 mg price obviously is not something very expensive if compared with Masteron, trenbolone, Equipoise, stanozolol, testosterone propionate. Dosages experienced athletes themselves are using are well aware, for example, 50-100 mg Testosterone propionate per day and 10 mg Oxandrolone are likely to be sufficient.

Anavar 50 mg for sale

anavarlAnavar has low anabolic properties. The active ingredient of the drug – oxandrolone. The drug produces the company Lyka Labs in tablet form. Packing 50 comprises a 10 milligram tablets of active substances. Anavar 50 mg for sale you can right now in our online store.

Effects Anavar

The ability of the drug to increase power rates is most valuable for athletes. When using the vehicle weight hardly increases, which allows athletes to stay in his weight class. Also your feedback about Anavar 50 mg for sale leave athletes whose bodies are not taking testosterone and Anavar for them was the only alternative. They also confirm the effectiveness of the drug. Also, the following effects can be noted steroid:


    • Gives relief of muscle;
    • It has a high capacity of fat burning;
    • Not flavored;
    • It gives your muscles extra hardness;
    • Increases the synthesis of growth hormone;
    • Does not have a negative impact on the liver;
    • Can be safely used by women;

Increases Strength athletes. The drug is very popular also because of its availability. The price of Anavar is available for any athlete.

Anavar cycle

To increase the performance of force recommended dosage is 50 to 150 milligrams of daily use. This dosage is valid for a solo course Anavar 50 mg for sale , and the combined use. Women dosage should be reduced to 20 or 30 milligrams of drug during the day. When using Anavar 50 mg for sale between cycles, to maintain weight dialed dose equal to 30 to 40 mg daily when receiving. With the ability to enhance the effect on the body other steroids, Anavar 50 mg for sale is frequently used in combined cycle of anabolic. The most popular combinations are with metandienonomi oksimetalonom. When using the drug in the pause between courses to effectively use Anavar together with Andriol. Also, the drug is often used in the drying course. As noted above Anavar (oxandrolone) is quite effectively burns fat, making it a popular way to lose weight in preparation for a competition. Also in this regard, it is worth noting that Anavar is rapidly excreted from the body and it occurs within 10 – 12 days. It is also a very important fact in preparation for competitions. When using Anavar 50 mg for sale , its daily dose should be divided into three stages. Oxandrolone is an affordable drug.

After application of the drug solo, post-cycle therapy is not optional. In the case where it is part of a combined cycle anabolic, rules for reducing rate remain the same as for other steroids.

Where to buy anavar pills

anavar-3Anavar – brand, well established for a drug with the active ingredient oksadronol. Non-hazardous anabolic steroids means refers to the moderate action. Ideal for both men and women.

Where to buy anavar pills – Anavar was developed for the treatment of:

  • Anemia
  • Turner’s Syndrome
  • HIV infection

The drug has also been used to restore the skin after burns and for strong bones. Anavar has low androgenic and anabolic activity high. It is one of the safest oral preparations. It has no effect on the liver and is converted into estrogen.

Where to buy anavar pills

The drug is widely used by athletes and athletes lightest weight category. Anavar creates a surge of strength and saves weight. A unique product:

  • It increases muscle, increasing its hardness
  • Increases relief
  • Provides increase power performance
  • Decreases body fat

Mode of application

anavar4Anavar is available in tablets. It is used by bodybuilders in the final stages of preparation for a competition. The drug is also used for the first course of treatment with anabolic steroids.

In the first week dosage is 20 mg per day. The daily rate is taken as two times. After 7 days, increase the dose by half. The course continued for up to eight weeks. The maximum permitted daily dose where to buy anavar pills – 80 mg in three divided doses. Post-cycle therapy to carry out optional. To restore testosterone enough to take 10 mg of Nolvadex for 1-2 weeks. The daily dosage of Anavar for women is 10-20 mg.

The probability of adverse effects is minimal. However, to prevent the occurrence of virilization, exceed the dose is not recommended.

Side effects Anavar

where to buy anavar pills? Anavar is not toxic to the liver. Side effects of the drug when used correctly are extremely rare. Anavar not affect testosterone levels. It does not cause gynecomastia and fluid accumulation. After a long course of the drug in high doses is recommended to use gonadotropin. Anavar is used by athletes to prepare for the competition:

  • It helps sustain a heavy load;
  • Saves weight;
  • Where to buy anavar pills;
  • It provides growth forces.

Anavar reviews before and after

anavar-b-aSteroid middle-anabolic and low androgenic effect. The creator of this drug – American scientist Rafael Peppo. Distribution of the drug, which was originally intended for the treatment of anemia and recovery from burns, held for the first time in 1964. The drug was called Anavar reviews before and after.
It gained high popularity among bodybuilders and female, and a male because of a moderate anabolic effect with little androgenic effect. It was listed in the category of controlled substances due to possible abuse by athletes. Low androgenic Anavar due to its molecular structure, through which the substance does not react with the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which is essential for the formation of DHT. That is why, oxandrolone testosterone significantly inferior in strength of action.

Anavar reviews before and after – a tool that athletes use to increase the relief of muscle tissue and increase athletic performance. Despite the increased fat burning, increases appetite at times. Also, it is noted a slight increase of growth hormone levels. Remedy recommended for athletes who with sufficient muscle mass have a low percentage of subcutaneous drug zhira.Priem improves protein metabolism, increasing the synthesis of proteins. It has anti-catabolic effects by blocking cortisol receptors using steroid molecules. A beneficial effect on the central nervous system and the nitrogen balance, faster recovery after heavy training. Oksandronolon not flavored (there is no conversion to estrogen, which avoids gynecomastia), and this is his main advantage.

anadrol-before-and-after-resultsMost Anavar fit athletes as drug significantly improves the speed and endurance, revealing its full potential. We bodybuilders are several reasons for the use of oxandrolone. New athlete who is afraid of anabolic steroids with pronounced side effects Anavar reviews before and after may choose for the first course, but because of the relatively high cost of the drug, most often it is used by professional athletes. Bodybuilders who have extensive experience in the use of anabolic steroids Anavar is used as a “discharge” after the drastic means. Another reason – drying, eyeliner before the competition. In this case, in the course includes several other tools besides oxandrolone.

The drug has proved as hepatotoxicity, but detailed studies have shown, albeit weaker compared with other drugs, but still noticeable effect on the liver. There is also a misconception that Anavar does not affect testosterone production. Analyses conducted after 8 weeks of treatment, show that the level of testosterone drops to near zero. Occasionally Anavar reviews before and after is considered as an anabolic agent for athletes with elevated levels of cholesterol, since studies have shown that the drug reduces its overall level. Further investigation pointed out that lowering cholesterol occurs in an unequal ratio of “good” and “bad” cholesterol, and bias is usually not good.

Anavar results 50 mg

anavar-reviewsAnavar in reasonable doses, does not give any side effects. This is understandable, since a drug originally intended for women and children. This is one of the few steroids which does not cause premature delay of physical development in children, because it does not contribute to the closure epofiznyh compounds, and the drug is applied mainly in children to stimulate body growth and female – in osteoporosis. The drug causes (if any is) very weak phenomenon masculinization. This quality makes it a favorite means of female athletes, because at a dose of 10-15 mg per day have rarely seen the external manifestations of masculinity. Anavar results 50 mg is very fond of bodybuilders and powerlifters.

This is primarily due to the fact that it contributes to a strong increase in power. This is due to the fact that the synthesis of creatine phosphate is excited in the muscle cell, and wherein the liquid does not accumulate. Weightlifters and security forces who do not want to move to a higher category taking advantage of this, because the drug gives them an opportunity to become stronger, not adding to the own weight.

Good results are obtained by simultaneous intake of Anavar and 120-140 mcg Clenbuterol per day. Although Anavar results 50 mg  itself does not promote and noticeable muscle growth, but significantly enhances the effects of many steroids on the body, especially well combined with Deca-Durabolin, Dianabol and various testosterone options as arises when taking Anavar strength gain while taking Deca, Dianabol or testosterone that accumulate fluid and contribute to the strong growth of tissue, the result is more muscle mass. The combination of 200 mg Deca-Durabolin per week, 500 mg of testosterone enanthate per week, and 25 mg Anavar per day causes most athletes a good gain in strength and muscle mass. Deca-Durabolin has a distinct anabolic effect and stimulates the synthesis of proteins, Anavar improves the strength and testosterone makes the athlete more aggressive during the workout and accelerates regeneration.

The second reason why Anavar results 50 mg is so fond of, that this drug does not aromatize or at what dose. As already mentioned, some of the testosterone present in the blood is converted into estrogen. The process of aromatization differently pronounced in different athletes depending on susceptibility thereto. When Anavar muscles never gets watery type, which makes the drug a good tool when preparing for competitions. In this phase, first of all, it is important to keep the level of estrogens at a lower level, as estrogens programmed organism, even low-calorie diet, on the water retention.

anavar-oxandroloneIn combination with a diet Anavar musculature it helps make firm and elastic. While he does not destroy the fats, it does play an indirect role in this, since the chemical suppresses appetite among many athletes. Anavar results 50 mg may cause something like a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, which causes some athletes lightheadedness and vomiting when the tablets taken with meals. The instructions for use of the Italian Anavar is attributed to the drug effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, some athletes and talk about regular diarrhea. Although it is not very pleasant event, it nevertheless helps the athlete’s intention to melt fat and look more lean. Those who are training for competition or are interested in growth of quality muscles should combine Anavar with steroids such as Winstrol, Parabolan, Masteron, Primobolan and testosterone propionate. The combination of 50 mg Winstrol every other day, 50 mg Testosterone propionate every two days, and 25 mg Anavar every day has proved to be very effective here.

Another advantage of Anavar’s ability to nearomatizatsii, is that athletes who suffer from high blood pressure with strong androgenic steroids or zapoluchayut because they gynecomastia with this drug will not have any problems. The combination of Anavar results 50 mg with Deca-Durabolin is for this group of athletes desirable alternative, if there is a health problem in the application of testosterone, Dianabol or Anapolona 50. Athletes older than 40 should be used primarily Anavar.

50 mg Anavar tablets UK Reviews

anavar2Anavar tablets (Oxandrolone) is classified as a Class I anabolic steroid, which is not typical of most oral steroids. They work best when used in a stack of Class II steroids like Dianabol or Anadrol. When used with other high doses of Class I anabolic steroids, it does little or nothing added. So it’s not very useful to stack with trenbolone 50 mg Anavar tablets UK. It will not really help when added to high-dose testosterone, but to moderate doses of testosterone stack, it can be useful, but it will be expensive.

Anavar Tablets

Anavar was considered by many to be weak steroid. One reason for this is because it is a steroid class I, however, when used alone it is not going to achieve maximum results. Another reason is that those who write about bodybuilding and bodybuilders do not jump to conclusions when comparing 50 mg Anavar tablets UK with other anabolic steroids. They reasoning that if the day 8 Tabs have little effect, they simply judge him weak or useless. Traditionally, Oxandrolone came to 2.5 mg Anavar tabs that provides 20 mg per day, if two tablets taken four times a day, totaling 140 mg per week.

When using the same dose of testosterone, you will see little in terms of results. There are a few anabolic steroids that provide impressive results with a low dose, but they should not be labeled as “weak” because of this. The conclusion that must be drawn is that 50 mg Anavar tablets can be individually weak, but it does not mean that the drug itself is not enough potency.

Reviews and effects

Oxandrolone is to determine the chemical name of the active ingredient and Anavar Oxandrin. Searle laboratory initially trademark name 50 mg Anavar. Bio-Technology General Corporation under the trademark name Oxandrin USA. and elsewhere.

As 50 mg Anavar tablets UK become available at higher doses, his reputation grew. Anavar but still not considered a viable option as the steroid class I, and when used alone, it does not provide results, which makes the stack well. Pharmacological studies have shown that Oxandrolone does not bind very strongly androgen receptors. Although it did not seem consistent with the class I and class II of steroids, it has been proven ,. This may be due to the difference between what happens in the human body, as compared with what happens in a study in vitro, or perhaps there is something else.

Nevertheless, oxandrolone effects when folded class I steroid requires classification. This is combined synergistically with other steroids in the Class II category, but only in addition to other Class I steroids.

Doses for 50 mg Anavar tablets UK

In essence, Oxandrolone quite powerful means that it is firmly effective milligrams. When stacked with Anavar steroid class II, it is very effective at 50 mg per day and, of course, to 75 mg per day. Anavar not converted to DHT or flavored and the half-life of 8 hours. This means moderate dose of Anavar into the morning, for the most part completely from your system to the night. And yet this dose will provide a reasonable amount of androgen during the day and in the early evening.

Results for fat burning

anavar-tabletsThere are two ways to use Anavar, which are considered the best:

1. As an additional link between periods of cycling, taking care not to use it for to long constantly due to liver toxicity.
2. If you can not get a short-acting injections, 50 mg Anavar tablets UK may be used as a complement to the cycles when the level drop from the last injection and the beginning of your treatment, after cycle, so that the gains are not lost.

Odin scientific research has shown that Oxandrolone superior Deca (nandrolone) and testosterone to reduce fat in the abdomen in men, particularly older men who were obese and using low doses studied, which were not exactly equivalent. Using the results of this study, people in general, generalized to the population of bodybuilding. The problem is that these results will not necessarily meaning anabolic steroid doses cycles types that are commonly used in body building. As it relates to the cases included in the study, the difference in results is probably due to the dose received.

In real life, using doses of androgens typical bodybuilding, one is able to cut as well without the use of Anadrol 50 mg tablets as using it, If you consider all the possible alternatives Oxandrolone. We do not claim that oxandrolone is not effective, but there are others out there androgens, including testosterone, which are just as effective at high doses when you try to remove abdominal fat. But the use of low doses is more effective 50 mg Anavar tablets UK cutting cycles than if you take the same dose of other anabolic steroids are available on the market.

This may be partly due to the additional effect of its natural testosterone. Use Oxandrolone can not really put down, most of the natural prey so the user can take advantage of its own production of testosterone, plus the advantages of Oxandrolone. On the other hand, using a low dose of testosterone or nandrolone can actually cause serious suppression of the user’s natural testosterone production, resulting in reduction in total exposure.

Side effects and safety

real-anavar50 mg Anavar tablets UK like other 17-alkylated steroids unfortunately hepatotoxic. There was a case, when people thought that it was not, but research and practical application showed that Oxandrin, other brand for Oxandrolone, is toxic to the liver and can be a problem if used for a long period of time. In accordance with the principle of limitation of the consistent use of 17-alkylated steroids 6 weeks is recommended and Oxandrolone is no exception to this rule for alkylated oral.

If you are looking for a complete substitute for 50 mg Anavar tablets UK, you can try Primobolan or Trenbolone, since they do not have the same problem of liver toxicity. You should be aware that the vast Primobolan low testosterone production point of view, but Trenbolone does not share that property.

Because Anavar is taken orally, it can only be taken in the morning and used by men as a “bridging agent” between cycles. This should be done only if it is done at all, only after full recovery his full normal production of testosterone after the last cycle. Here it is good to take at least 20 mg Anavar using for this purpose. You have to control your levels of testosterone, when you overcome like this. But you must understand that 50 mg Anavar tablets UK is toxic to the liver, and it should be a limiting factor.

How to use the tablets Anavar women, it is generally considered that the minimum virilizing effect, but it has been shown that virilization effect when a dose of 20 mg per day, but it can occur at much lower doses than 20 mg per day. When taking 50 mg Anavar tablets UK day, a woman is not immune to the side effects. When cycling, oxandrolone is not always recommended because it is expensive and there are other, more cost-effective alternatives that can do the same results and is not toxic to the liver.

Anavar (Oxandrolone) Profile

Table of content



Learn about most popular steroid that was ever invented



What does Anavar do when you take it after the workout is the main thing you should notice. the number of repetitions of any beginner should keep a relatively large number of repetitions. After starting to work for 6-12 repetitions with the first day, it is possible to engage with training on the second. The optimum number, in my opinion, equal to fifteen repetitions. Several reasons for this, and all of them are justified as long as your a little more experience. Firstly, a number of repetitions prepares budding connective tissue, ligaments and tendons in the future more than hard work. In addition, such a large number of repetitions will not allow a novice to work with weights that can hurt him. Even if a beginner’s enthusiasm gushes over the edge, as the protein from the blender.


The basis of arginine, citrulline and creatine esters, in combination with anabolic salts of orotic acid and acetate ester of a natural extract of pure 20-beta-hydroxy-ecdysone. Thus, the product  BLITZ CYCLE is an embodiment of the latest technologies in the field of drugs for increasing vasodilation, enhancing performance and endurance, power level, increase cell gene expression, receptor stimulation. Blitz Cycle Ingredients Various mechanisms of action stimulate improved recovery of muscle tissue, which leads to significant expansion and thickening miotsitnoy cell structure. You may also want to try M1T
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Further stimulation by natural anabolic agents and acetate-modified phyto-ecdysteroid esters provides unmatched with other drugs biological activity that promotes a safe and prolonged muscle support.
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Nutrients per serving (4 caplets):

  • PUMP EXPLODE (Esterovy stimulator of Nitric Oxide) – 3000 mg

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    Citrulline Ethyl Ester HCL
    Di-Arginine Orotate (OAADA)
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  • CELL BLAST (Creatine Esterovaya technology for “explosive growth in cell volume”) – 1000 mg
        Creatine Ethyl Ester Carbonate
        Creatine Ester Phosphate Sodium
        Di-Creatine Orotate (OAADA)
  • METHANOBOL-AMDP (pro-anabolic with acetate-modified transport system) – 500 mcg
        20-Beta-hydroxy-ecdysone-2,3,22-tri-acetate ester [7, (5b) -Cholesten-2b, 3b, 14a, 2OR, 22R, 25-hexane-6-one-2]

Take 3-4 caplets three times a day for 30 minutes before eating, drinking 2 glasses of water. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day for maximum results.
Servings per container: 50

Somatroph HC in bodybuilding

Somatroph HC – A peptide hormone of the anterior pituitary, which is used in the sport for the formation of muscle relief. Growth hormone or growth hormone (from the Latin catfish – Body) gets its name from the fact that young people it causes a pronounced linear acceleration (long) growth, mainly due to the growth of long tubular bones of the extremities.

The base concentration (rate) of growth hormone in blood is 5.1 ng/ml, while the peaks can be increased to 10-20 or even 45 ng/ml.

Somatroph HC in bodybuilding

Initially Somatroph HC (not like methyltestosterone) preparations began to be used for medical purpose  but almost simultaneously received the hormone in sports widespread due with its ability to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat. first preparations of Somatroph HC of pituitary extract were dead and only in 1981 was made drug recombinant Somatroph HC. In 1989  Somatroph HC was banned by the Olympic Committee. Although the use of growth hormone in athletic purposes is prohibited  in the last decade sales of the drug have increased several times. Mainly used in growth hormone sports  especially bodybuilding  where it is combined with other anabolic agents.

Increase lean muscle mass and burn fat

The main reason for the high popularity of the growth hormone in the ability to reduce the sport the amount of subcutaneous fat.  In addition  studies have shown that taking somatotropin leads to increased dry muscle mass and an increase in connective tissue the volume of muscle cells due to accumulation of fluid. Another beneficial effect of Somatroph HC decrease in the frequency of injuries. This is due to its ability to strengthen bone and connective (tendon  cartilage) tissue.  Growth hormone accelerates healing and tissue repair after injury. It should be noted that the use of growth hormone in pauerliftinge meaningless  since experiment it was established that it does not increase the power performance. Growth hormone also increases stamina and performance  and even vice versa decrease in the threshold of fatigue and slowing down recovery  so somatotropin useless for athletes of sports  where the importance of these indicators. The general conclusion: Somatroph HC can be used in sports in order to obtain relief. Advantages: High-performance  low incidence of side effects  the drug has no effect on penile function and potency  does not cause the androgenic effects and does not require the PCT  after one month of the total mass increases slightly (34 kg)  and in some cases It does not change it due to the large loss of fat. Disadvantages: high cost drugs about thousand dollars per course. The drugs are expensive and actively forged  so there is significant risk to stumble on fake

Winni-V – strong fat burner


Winni-V Tabs is a product from SDI Labs said to be a legal anabolic steroid. While Winni-V Tabs is legal, it isn’t necessarily a steroid. In reality, Winni-V Tabs’s formula is based on prohormones, precursors to hormones that body can use to quickly create them. Winni-V Tabs are supposed help provide the body with precursors to produce a compound similar to Stanazolol (or actual Winni-V), a controlled substance that can be used to spark anabolic gains in muscle and strength. Stanazolol has been used to great effect but can this product really help create it in the body?

When it comes to cutting cycles, one of the most popular anabolic steroids used by bodybuilders Winni V (sometimes written as V, or Winnie Winny V or M1T). This nickname brand name Winstrol, which contains the active ingredient stanozolol. This steroid can only be used for cutting cycles, although some people may also try to use Dianobol or even Anadrol. You should know that Wimmi V considered cutting drugs. There are a few people who would be contrary to its use in a series of filler. However, its contribution to the filling cycle is low enough, given that it is not for the treatment of anemia.


Winni V should be used in lower doses to reduce SHBG. Compared with other types of steroids Winstrol® is more effective in reducing SHBG. Although SHBG can be significantly reduced if .2mg / kg dose, the amount of circulating free testosterone in the body will be increased. Like almost all other steroids available in the market, Winni V will also suppress natural hormone levels. Any kind of sexual dysfunction avoid supplements of testosterone.

Given the fact that Stanozolol has been modified to withstand the first pass through the liver without destruction by adding a heavy filler cycle can cause serious problems. Many people prefer to take the pills which are available from both the authorized pharmaceutical companies and underground Labs, as the basis for Winni V Tablets is an active connection. The disadvantage is that Winni V affects the liver toxic compounds contained therein. Also it has the worst genotoxic characteristics compared to any other steroids
Effectively Stacked with D-bol tablets during bulking cycles to reduce water retention and increase strength and energy levels. Also used individually to help promote lean, hard, and ripped muscle mass.


Anastrozole (Arimidex) Profile

With the help of the enzyme aromatase testosterone is able to turn into the most powerful estrogen – estradiol. The aim of anti-estrogen drugs is to prevent such conversion. These drugs include anastrozole (another name – Arimidex).

If you are taking anabolic steroids, this medication can help to minimize the side effects of increasing the estrogen levels. This medicine as efficiently controls the level of estrogen.

It is necessary to highlight the unique properties of anastrozole – for example, an increase in free testosterone. By the way, the drug works relatively fast. The maximum concentration of active substance in the blood observed after a couple of hours after the receiving means. This allows you to quickly suppress the process of flavoring.

Action of Anastrozole

Arimidex is the perfect companion during hormone replacement therapy.

The drug holding estrogen low, which prevents prostate enlargement.

Against reception means testosterone is produced in a natural way, even while taking anabolic-androgen.

Anastrozole in bodybuilding – active assistant in the protection of gynecomastia.

The drug is mild on blood lipids.

Representatives of the stronger sex have noted that while the use of anastrozole increases libido.

This is the most popular drug for post-cycle therapy in the recovery period.

Through use of the drug, reduced water and fat accumulation during the course of the steroid. It is because of this often misused antiestrogens athletes to compensate for a poor diet, or the consequences of a wrong cycle of anabolic steroids.

Even in minimal doses Anastrozole is able to control the level of estrogen. This is an effective and safe drug. With regard to high doses, they are assigned to courses with vysokoaromatiziruyuschimisya steroids, for example, Danabol. With Anavar or Primobolan quite small doses of the drug.

Anastrozole: application and dosage

Newcomers this tool should not be used. Tablets intended for experienced athletes, after they have been receiving long cycle anabolic steroids in high doses. Anastrozole is administered in two cases before the course of steroids as a prophylactic with therapeutic doses, and after the course, if there are any side effects.

The cycle time of reception of the funds must be no more than 14 days. During this time, the drug is manifested all its useful properties. Take tablets on an empty stomach and drink plenty of water – so the active ingredient quickly went from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream.

This means you need to eat on a strict schedule. One day, taking second – rest. Accepted at any time of the day. Sufficient good results for a dose of 250 micrograms once a couple of days. It is proved that in order to reduce the level of estradiol in the 50% required dose of 0.5 to 1 milligram.

During the cycle, it is necessary to take into account the fact that not all anabolic steroids aromatize. At risk are the testosterone esters. As for methandrostenolone and Anadrol, they are only slightly converted into estrogen.

If the loop includes long esters, for example, Sustanon, you should be tested for estradiol 3-4 weeks after steel to make “chemistry.” Generally it is best to check analysis carried out in about 10-14 days from the time you started taking anastrozole. So you can adjust the required dose.

Those athletes who started gynaecomastia, positive about the drug anastrozole. The same applies to letrozole. These drugs effectively relieve symptoms of growth of mammary glands during the course of anabolic steroids.

Anastrozole (Arimidex): side effects

By the use of anastrozole side effects include:

  • drowsiness;
  • erythema multiforme;
  • asthenia;
  • allergic reactions;
  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stomach upset;
  • skin rashes.

If there are problems of the cardiovascular system can not take the medicine. The fact that the device effectively prevents the side effects of estrogen, but blocks and its useful properties.

As a result, there may be problems with the heart and blood vessels. If athletes have similar diseases, it is imperative to consult a sports doctor, or used tamoxifen.

Recommendations for the use of T3

Levothyroxine sodium (T-4), liothyronine sodium (T-3) – is farmed natural form of thyroid hormone.

Thyroid hormones are primarily responsible for regulating the rate of metabolism in the body and play an important role in the disposal of body proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Levothyroxine sodium is used in medicine for the treatment of cases of hypothyroidism, which is characterized by insufficient production of natural thyroid hormone. This can occur with a number of symptoms including loss of energy, lethargy, weight gain, hair loss, and changes in skin texture. Levothyroxine sodium is considered delayed action cure, can be used and 4 to 6 weeks to complete balanced sufficient therapeutic levels. It is also the most commonly prescribed for the treatment of the thyroid gland in the world and is widely regarded as the standard form of treatment for most cases of hypothyroidism. Action levothyroxine sodium is very similar to the action of the popular drug Lionine T3 (Sodium Liothyronine).

Lionine -T3 is slightly different in its structure, however, being a synthetic form of thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T 3) it provides cover those effects only in a stronger form.

Healthy people have a sufficient level of both T-3 and T 4 thyroid hormones are present in their bodies. T-3 is considered the main active form of thyroid hormone, while the T-4 is used primarily as a reserve for the T-3, providing most of their metabolic activity by conversion in the peripheral tissues. T-3 is regarded as a group of moschny schetovidnoy gland hormones, and its action is about four times stronger than that of T-4. In addition, Lionine -T3 considered more effective form of thyroid medication, both in terms of activity and in reducing adverse events.

Levothyroxine sodium is appreciated by many who use steroids by athletes and bodybuilders for its ability to stimulate the metabolic rate and support the disintegration of fat reserves. The drug is usually taken during caloric restriction (predsorevnovatelny period, or out of the loop) when an individual is oriented to increase loss of fat or muscle seal. At the use of thyroid hormones in the body at a higher level is maintained fat loss, thus that can not limit itself to the calorie intake of food.

Anabolic steroids are usually used in conjunction with these hormones, and many believe that the increased metabolic effect of these drugs may lead to more rapid progress to muscle adjustment. However, the widespread use of drugs, for this purpose, so until the end of neisledovanno, and the question to accept or not, in order to achieve these goals, a purely personal matter, although athletes are all as one claim that drugs give a positive result, the main thing is not to experiment with the dosage, exceeding it to the extreme limits.

Structural Features

Levothyroxine sodium is a synthetic form of the thyroid hormone T4 has the chemical name L- 3,3 ‘, 5,5’ – tetraiodothyronine sodium salt.

Dosage and recommendations

When used for treatment of mild to moderate forms of hypothyroidism, the mean dose of levothyroxine sodium is approximately 100-125 g per day. The full therapeutic dose can be adopted without a pyramidal receiving, in healthy adult patients. It should be noted that because of the long half-life of levothyroxine peak therapeutic effect for a given dose, may be achieved by 4 to 6 weeks.

When used (off-label) to fast fat loss bodybuilders and athletes, a typical protocol includes a slow build-up dose, so that the body and the body had enough time to adjust to izmenyayuschimusya level of thyroid hormone. Athletes tend to start with a low dose of 25-50 mg, and gradually increase the amount of 25-50 mg every day or every other day. The ultimate dosage will typically be in the range 100-150 mg per day, and rarely more than 250 micrograms. It is important to remember that thyroid drugs are potent drugs with significant potential side effects. So you should be careful when it is used, should also be aware that an excessive amount of levothyroxine sodium should not last more than eight weeks of cycle. You also need to comply with the rule, at the beginning of the cycle to increase the dosage, as out of the loop, the dosage is gradually umenshat.Eto usually achieved by reducing the dose by 25 mg every second or third day. The emphasis here, again, is placed on the to avoid any sudden changes in hormone levels that could cause side effects. Please note that due to the slow action of levothyroxine sodium, the active drug is completely excreted from the body, it may take several weeks.

Side effects

The side effects usually associated with overdose, and may include headache, irritability, nervousness, sweating, irregular heartbeat, increased bowel motility, or menstrual irregularities. Overdose can also cause shock and can exacerbate or provoke angina or stagnant heart failure. When stkrytyh chronic ailments, excessive intake of levothyroxine sodium will produce the symptoms commonly associated with hyperthyroidism or the overproduction of natural thyroid hormone. The occurrence of side effects manifest themselves, usually causes an immediate decrease the dosage or completely discontinue therapy of levothyroxine sodium. Acute massive overdose can be life-threatening.

Recommendations for use of Testabol Enanthate

Testabol Enanthate 250 – anabolic and androgenic steroid, which is a testosterone ester. The main male hormone is released into the blood for a long time, which reduces the number of required injections. The period of the drug may vary depending on the hormonal metabolism and in the body: the average period – for 2-3 weeks, the half-life of 6-7 days. Androgenic and anabolic activity of steroid – 100% of the testosterone conversion to estrogen – high, suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testes – expressed. Testabol enanthate 250 is non-toxic to the liver, the detection time at Doping Control – up to three months. Thus, professional athletes enanthate can apply only in the preparatory period, and even then, if not subject to random-Competition Testing for doping.

Effects of reception

    • Severe muscle mass gains. Perhaps this is the determining effect of the steroid. Testabol Enanthate 250 is widely used by bodybuilders, powerlifters, weightlifters and other representatives of the power of sport.
    • Androgenic effects. Fast muscle hypertrophy is largely due to significant fluid retention. After discontinuation of the drug is often observed rollback phenomenon.

Improving the mobility of ligaments and joints by stimulating the production of synovial fluid.

  • Treatment with wear of the intervertebral discs.
  • The acceleration of regenerative processes. Testabol enanthate 250 from British Dragon stimulates the regenerative processes in the body.
  • Raising the general tone and motivation to training.
  • The increase in red cell blood. The athlete becomes more resilient.

How to take Testabol enanthate 250

How to take Testabol Enanthate 250Kurs Testabol Enanthate 250 lasts for a long time – from 8 to 10 weeks. This injection is carried out once a week dose of 250 to 500 milligrams. If you are not the first course of the drug can increase the bit rate. But remember that although the anabolic effect and is proportional to the dosage, along with her increasing the risk of side effects. FCT usually begins 2-3 weeks after completion of the course. Estrogen blocked reaction taking aromatase inhibitors or Proviron (starting at 2-3 weeks of the course and ending with the beginning of the second week after discontinuation of the drug). At doses above 250 milligrams is recommended gonadotropin. As for how to make Testabol enanthate 250 combined courses AAS, the best combinations are considered the scheme to include Anadrol, trenbolone, methandrostenolone and nandrolone.

Reviews Testabol Enanthate 250

Reviews Testabol Enanthate 250Problema which gives athletes the most trouble – rollback phenomenon. Minimize it is quite possible, but completely clean – hardly. Reviews Testabol Enanthate by British Dragon 250 speak about the loss of the muscle by the end of the course, even in cases where all recommendations are respected. Among the side effects of testosterone enanthate often enough athletes meet with estrogen reactions. recommended use of aromatase inhibitors to prevent the aromatization (anti-estrogenic drugs less effective).

Reviews of testosterone enanthate from British Dragon say unreasonableness steroid use in women due to the high probability of masculinization. To increase the hardness of muscle relief and athletes are advised to combine a drug with Winstrol or Anavar. It is recommended to use the medium dosage.